This story tells the sexual abuse by Pakistani Muslim gangs in England, even though it’s not a true story, not really a true story, well, it’s loosely based on a true story, but the thing is, these things do happen, and it’s sad, really sad and the other sad thing is that the UK Government is putting it aside.
The dictating prick who lives in Number 10 Dowing Street named Keir Starmer has put it aside, as disrespected the victims.
The PM and also the mayor isn’t Keir Starmer and Sadiq Khan.
If you’re a victim of the grooming gangs and if you don’t want to be reminded or if you’re suffering from mental health, like PTSD from it, then please don’t read this, or and that includes if you’re suffering from mental health from any sexual abuse, it doesn’t need to be from the grooming gangs.
I care for your wellbeing.
A 12-year-old white British girl named Lucy Sunderland is sitting on a bench in a park.
Near where’s sitting, a Pakistani man named Abdul Asan is standing next to his son Mohammed Asan.
Mohammed is 1 year older than Lucy.
Abdul Asan
Go to that girl over there and introduce yourself as Mohammed Abdul, take her to the local sweet shop, buy her one and take her back to the house where me and my friends will be waiting, okay?
Mohammed Asan
Alright, okay.
Mohammed walks over to Lucy.
Mohammed Asan
Hey there, I am Mohammed Abdul, and when I look at you, I feel love inside me, inside my heart.
Lucy smiles and laughs.
Mohammed Asan
How was that funny?
Lucy Sunderland
Because no talks like that, that was the cause of the laughter, but the smile is a thank you for your nice words.
Mohammed Asan
You wanna go to a sweet shop with me?
Lucy Sunderland
Yeah, okay.
Lucy and Mohammed walk out of the park and they walk towards the nearest sweet shop.
They both enter.
Lucy notices a peanut butter chocolate bar she wants and she picks it up and goes to the counter.
Mohammed Asan
I’ll buy it for you, by the way, she’s my girlfriend.
Mohammed gives the shopkeeper £1, which is the price of the chocolate bar.
They both exit the shop.
Mohammed Asan
I got a bunch of games to play, you wanna go to my house and play?
Lucy Sunderland
I don’t know.
Mohammed Asan
Don’t worry, my parents are okay with visitors, and by the way, I got cool games, like, I got one that is 16, like, my parents allow it due to it being closer to my age and not that bad as an 18.
Lucy Sunderland
Alright then.
They walk to Mohammed’s house.
Mohammed opens the door and enters, Lucy follows.
Abdul and his friends hear them enter.
Mohammed enters the living room with Lucy.
Mohammed Asan
Hey guys, father, here’s Lucy, isn’t she a sweet?
Abdul Asan
Yes, she really is, and she’ll be sweet in another way, but I ain’t going first, hey, Mohammed, you can go first.
Mohammed takes Lucy’s hand with Lucy being confused and they exit the living room.
They are heard going upstairs.
Abdul Asan
So, tomorrow, she’ll go to Deniston Street, I got a guy willing to pay, and his wife is willing to join too, and yeah, we’ll be nice, Lucy will get the money, well, half of it.
A female scream is heard upstairs.
1 minute later, Mohammed enters the living room.
Mohammed Asan
She didn’t like it at all, ha, but I did, and by the way, escaping should be a fear not worth fearing about.
Abdul Asan
Good boy, that’s my son, didn’t I not say that he’s a pro, like, he’s more than a pro than me, and that’s saying something, hey, Usman, it’s your turn, and don’t be gentle, never be easy.
Usman laughs while he stands up from the couch.
The only female in the gang replies with “she should have a bit of female as well as males today.”.
After a week of torture and abuse, Lucy sits alone on a disgusting bed in a dull room, but she then attempts to open up the window, she then finally does it after 2 tries and she jumps out, and this is a back and front door and the upstairs height isn’t that high, so, when she falls, she hurts herself a bit but not too much, no broken bones
Lucy then runs to the nearest police station.
She enters shaking and she walks over to the reception.
Lucy Sunderland
Hello there, my name is Lucy Sunderland, I am 12, and I wanna report rape.
Police Officer
Alright, okay.
Lucy is in the living room with her parents, and the door chaps.
Lucy’s father walks over to the door and opens it.
A police officer is standing there.
Police Officer
Are you Mr. Sunderland?
Lucy’s Father
Yes, I am.
Police Officer
You’re daughter Lucy falsely reported that she was sexually abused.
Lucy hears everything the police said, including her mother.
The front door shuts and Lucy’s father enters the living room.
He stands in the living room, and he looks at Lucy.
Lucy’s Father
I know you wouldn’t make up a story like what that officer said, but, I’m taking you to a sexual clinic to get an exam done, if you want that, like, they’ll be swabbing your, well, you know where don’t you?
Lucy nods.
Lucy’s Father
Are you alright with going?
Lucy Sunderland
Yes *sobs*
Lucy’s father and her mother comforts her with a hug.
Lucy’s Mother
It’s gonna be alright, it’s going to be fine.
Lucy is in the sexual clinic, she lays on the examination table, sobbing a little and then the curtains close.
Outside at newspaper stalls, people walk past, and many pick up a newspaper with the headline.
Lucy is being interviewed on a morning show.
Tell us all what happened to you.
Lucy’s father is beside her.
Lucy Sunderland
I was sitting on a bench on a park, then this Pakistani boy came towards me and he flattered me, but he then asked me to go to the sweet shop with him, and after that, we went to his house where his dad and other people were there and that’s when I suffered Hell, like, I felt like I was in Hell, it was that bad but then I had the courage to escape it.
You said Pakistani boy, why use a word like that?
Lucy becomes confused.
Lucy Sunderland
Because he’s a Pakistani boy.
He lives in England, so, he’s English.
Lucy Sunderland
No, he’s still a Pakistani.
No, he’s not, even if he was born in Pakistan, once he moves to England, he’s English, even better, he’s British, not Pakistani, as he needs to be living in Pakistan for him to be Pakistani.
Lucy Sunderland
No, he doesn’t need to be.
So, you’re a far-right thug then?
Lucy runs off the set crying, her father follows her.
Time for an ad now, but when we get back, we got a prize draw competition for you to win £1 million, stay tuned.
Lucy is walking outside with her father by her side.
Lucy’s Father
She’s evil, and all she cares about is viewers, well, hopefully viewers don’t see the action and drama and noticed what it truly is.
Protests arrive outside the police station at the area of the grooming gang and others are outside Number 10 Downing Street chanting “IT’S NOT RACIST TO PROTECT VICTIMS!” with signs saying the same.
Lucy, her father and her mother is in the protest at Number 10 Downing Street, joining with the chanting.
The police arrive to the protests at Downing Street.
Police Officer
Prime Minister is looking out a window, watching the protest.
Mayor of London
What are you gonna do about this? I am fearing that there’s grooming gangs in London too.
Prime Minister
We keep this hush hush, we don’t let the tabloids know about this, it’s gonna destroy Britain and I don’t want to seem like I’m racist, so, nothing is gonna happen about those, well, grooming gangs.
Lucy, her mother and father are speaking on TV.
Lucy Sunderland
As a young girl who is a victim of those grooming gangs, I want to introduce a charity that will aim to support young girls like me who are victims of this, it’s called Lucy’s Help as I want to help, me, my mother and my father want to help, unlike the UK Government and police as they’re turning a blind eye, but a blind eye will not be turned and I hope this charity spreads the message, so please donate now.
Down at 10 Downing Street.
Mayor of London
Hey, there’s a problem, a girl named Lucy Sunderland has founded a charity called Lucy’s Help, and it doesn’t make the UK look good, as the charity helps girls who are victims of those grooming gangs.
Prime Minister
I’m going to have her arrested, the charge will be misinformation and also hate crime against Islam.
Lucy ends up being arrested, charged and then she ended up at court, with the judge finding her guilty of slander, hate crime and Islamophobia, and the judge sent her to a young offenders until the age of 18, in-which she’ll serve 2 years in prison.
Newspapers and news broadcasts report on her guilty verdict, with headlines such as “LUCY’S HELP FOUNDER FOUND GUILTY!”, “LUCY SUNDERLAND FOUND GUILTY!”.
Lucy’s mother tries to appeal her sentence but every appeal came with no luck.
Lucy is 18 now, she spent her teenage years in a young offenders, when she turned 16, she got told that there’s a risk of her going to prison, but the judge kept with the original sentence.
Lucy waits in her room, then the door opens and the officer informs her that she’s free.
Lucy Sunderland
I thought I was going to prison?
She is then told that evidence has came forward proving that the grooming gangs are real and that the police found evidence connecting her abuse to the grooming gang members.
As Lucy leaves the building, she notices her mother and father, she smiles and ran towards them and hugging them and then they walked away together.